The voting period for the Ward 8 Commemorative Works Initiative is now open through Friday, January 19th, 2024! Select one of the 13 nominees of Ward 8 people, places, and events that have significantly contributed to the Ward 8 community.
VIEW Nomination bios & place your vote here!
As the Nation’s capital, monuments and commemorative works have typically been focused on or reserved for commemorating individuals or subjects of national importance within the monumental core, the original L’Enfant City, and mostly in Wards 1, 2, 3, and 6. Many of these subjects participated in slavery, systemic racism, and the mistreatment of, or took actions that suppressed equality for, persons of color, certain groups of people, and women.
This DC Office of Planning initiative aims to increase the commemoration of Black Washingtonians and other leaders of color in all Wards of the District. After subjects and sites have been identified by a nomination and voting process, a design team and public artists provided by the DC Office of Planning and the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities will prepare concept designs.
The Commemorative Works Committee will review the concept designs and recommend each proposal to the Mayor and District Council, who will have final review and approval.
To learn more, visit: