Children’s Legacy Theatre presents the production of the season with an original play written by Wali Jamal Abdullah, entitled “Robert Smalls: The Legend of the Black Mariner” on February 23rd through 25th, 2024

The brilliant and enlightened youth of Children’s Legacy Theatre (CLT) bring forth a riveting and exciting theater production entitled “Robert Smalls Legend of the Black Mariner.” The journey illuminates Mr. Small’s many accomplishments despite being enslaved. At age 15, Smalls was an accomplished helmsman who sailed throughout the Sea Islands of South Carolina. Born in Beaufort, South Carolina, the odds were forever against him. However, Smalls had other plans. Wali Jamal Abdullah paints the

story of Robert Smalls in a space that demands nothing but excellence from our community. The same excellence CLT requires of its youth.

Children’s Legacy Theatre holds its youth in the highest regard by investing in their futures. Wards 7 and 8 teens are challenged daily at CLT; they write scripts, learn how to direct plays, understand the essence of

teamwork, learning choreography, creating original music and lyrics, designing sets, learning photography/videography, marketing, and public relations, and openness to constructive criticism, in addition to learning additional soft skills required to excel throughout life.

“Our work brings a triple benefit to our youth,” says Jackie Carter, Executive Director of CLT. “We’re diversifying and filling the pipeline of employees in the theater industry, broadening horizons for youth that

otherwise might pursue a detrimental life path and influencing behaviors that lead to the development of upstanding citizens for our communities.”

CLT is the alternative to teen violence. The company employs teens to prevent unnecessary crime and teen pregnancy. Teamwork, Responsibility, Appearance, Punctuality, and Leadership are the pillars in which youth are trained and learn to succeed while employed at CLT. Throughout their CLT experience, community youth emerge as new leaders of the communities in which they live.

One of CLT’s very own, Zachary Shields, 16, stars in the lead role portraying Robert Smalls. Zachary exhibits no fear when portraying the stellar man. His performance will fulfill you, knowing that the youth understand the trials, tribulations, and injustices the African American community continues to struggle against. “In my opinion, the CLT organization can be described in one word: commitment, states Shields.

The staff are committed to the children, and the children are committed to doing and being the best they possibly can be. This company’s aurora is awe-inspiring, and I feel invigorated to put out 100% every time I enter. There is truly something different about this organization. The fact that such a small group of adults and kids can constantly do project after project is amazing. It is truly magic. I am honored to have the opportunity to audition and win the opportunity to portray the amazing Robert Smalls.”

“Robert Smalls The Legend of The Black Mariner” opens at Matthews Memorial Baptist Church, 2616 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE, Washington, DC. Performances will run from February 23rd – 25th, 2024.

Showtime is 6:30pm on all dates. Tickets can be purchased online at or at the door. Please call (202) 997-1856 for more information.